Masato Yokota


Thank you for visiting my website!
My name is Masato Yokota.

I like making things, and making someone happy.
(Other than that, I love music, guitar, camera, nature, cooking, eating and drinking!)

I've experienced wide range of software development, from infrastructure (setup of PostgreSQL HA Cluster with Ansible) to application (webapps and Android), in both business and personal projects.

Currently, I'm working at Leverages Co., Ltd as a software engineer, leading a core function development team of a SaaS product.


September 2022
Leverages Co., Ltd

I am leading a core function development team of a SaaS product.
I collaborated with product manager and designer, set the development team's goal, and built the core function with 6 members for the initial release on time.

Main Responsibilities

  • Collaborating with product manager and designer, and setting the team's goal
  • Defining requirements
  • Developing and testing required features
  • Reviewing code written by members
  • Managing the team

Tech Stack

  • Node.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • TypeScript
  • NestJS
  • ReactJS
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • Auth0
  • OIDC
  • GCP

October 2022
April 2019
Future Architect, Inc.

As a member, I mainly did designing, developing, and testing in several enterprise system development projects.
In 2021, I was awarded as one of the ten best employees in the year.

Main Responsibilities

  • Designing, developing and testing the enterprise's system
  • Developing and testing the enterprise's on-premise database infrastructure
  • Building a prototype in the proof of concept project

Tech Stack

  • Java
  • PostgreSQL(EnterpriseDB)
  • Oracle Database
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux


TOEIC 945(2017)

The Official Business Skills Test in Bookkeeping, 2nd grade(2019)

Personal Projects

◇ Tuzuriba (a journal app) (2023)

This is a journal app where you can express your thoughts in the form of journal and share them with other people.

Current social network services are filled with unpleasant ads, posts that just want to go viral, barren discussions, overly beautified posts and so on, that make us feel stressed and not wanting to post freely.

I wondered if I could make a warmer and safer place on the internet, and came up with this idea.

The project is inspired by Jun-nikki (純日記), daily routine videos and Tokyo-no-Seikatsushi (東京の生活史).

Built with: Spring Boot, GCP, PostgreSQL, ReactJS, Tailwind

◇ The Map of Nursaries in Fujisawa City (2023)

The map of nursaries in Fujisawa City.

Built with: Netlify, Google Maps Platform

◇ Vmstat Visualizer (2022)

When you build on-premise servers, it is not easy to know how resources are used in an intuitive way, like metrics in AWS console.
This tool enables you to visualize resource usage by drawing graphs from vmstat log.

Built with: Netlify, Chart.js

◇ Ramen Gacha (2020)

When we want to eat ramen, first thing we will do is to search "ramen" on Google or GoogleMaps.
The internet shows us so many choices, and we choose one ramen restaurant from several points of view: price, distance, rating...
That's a good thing about information society.

But sometimes we are tired of processing lots of information.

This website will tell you a random ramen restaurant near you, so you can just go there without thinking anything.
You might be able to find a great ramen restaurant where you wouldn't have visited if you compared with other restaurants on the internet!

Built with: Netlify, Google Maps Platform, Cloud Functions

SNS and Contact

Email masa.laboratory[at]